Wednesday 15 January 2014

Day 15 – 365 Days of Photography


I woke up at 5:15am.  This is my customary rising time.  As I lay on the bed always wishing that I could sleep just a few minutes longer, I thought of again going out onto my front veranda.  I pondered how would I get breakfast ready quick enough to enable my children to be on time for school.  How would I catch the sun while it was still below the roof tops, but yet showing light in the sky.  I decided that this would be a good banana, peanut, almond milk smoothie morning, a favorite amongst my children.  I raced out to the yard, and looked across my neighborhood eastward and saw just what I wanted, and decided to capture it from there.

As I sat writing this my mind thought in rhyme.

As I awoke in the early morn,
I lay in my bed and stretched
Thinking about the day with a yawn
Of plans that had not yet been etched

I wanted to lay in bed longer
But alas the night has gone
And morning has come for me to ponder
How to capture this early dawn

So I set out with tripod and camera
Out into the yard below
Still doning nothing but my pajama
What an image I want to show

I set up everything in its place
Set the settings for a capture
No sun don’t yet show your full face
I have a plan of pure ‘snapture’

I chuckled at what I saw
Pleasure filled my heart
For in the sky an image so pure
Now to share I must impart

Natural wonders and splendors
Heavenly grace and beauty
Whether foliage, wildlife, scenes or fauna
It’s right there for all to see

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© 2013, Odette M. Lawrence and NorDean Canvas. All rights reserved. The use and/or duplication of this material without the express and written permission of this blog’s author and/or owner are unauthorized and strictly prohibited.