Saturday, 15 June 2013

Las Cuevas - Trinidad

Las Cuevas Bay

This beach is East of the infamous Maracas Bay.  There is also Tyrico bay just before it and Chupara Bay right after it.  The name “Las Cuevas” means “The Caves” and there are many caves on this beach.  The bay is more sheltered than Maracas therefore the water is calmer and the waves get to approximately three (3) feet.

We took this drive up on Saturday after first going to Arouca for my husband to source his work.  These North coast beaches are accessible via Blanchisseuse, Santa Cruz, St. Joseph, or Maraval.  We chose the Maraval route as we wanted something to eat and Maraval had the most delectable choices for our palette.

I purchased some new software and was toying on not posting this entry until I was able to setup the software and do new photo editing to show you all my shots.

However, as you can tell I was itching to write.

It turned out to be a hot sunny day, with the ensuing rain falling in the morning hours.  We arrived at the beach around 3pm for an afternoon frolic in the water.  My daughter decided to sit on the sand and carve out sea creatures, while my son played beach football with his dad and uncle.  I sat on a log and enjoyed the breeze and scenery, snacking on chips and cookies, drinking a solo Bentley with Bitters, chatting with my girlfriend (in my best GA drawl).

I tried to capture the splash of a wave, the inside of a cave, some shrubbery and folks playing up and down the beach.   I didn’t take as many shots as I have done in the past but the few I did should capture the moment.

By the way, I did toy a little with the new software received and made some subtle changes to a few of my photographs, rendering them more appealing, at least to my critic eye. 

Please enjoy.

© 2013, Odette M. Lawrence and NorDean Canvas. All rights reserved. The use and/or duplication of this material without the express and written permission of this blog’s author and/or owner are unauthorized and strictly prohibited. 

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Las Vegas (2009)

Candid camera

My aunt and uncle from Quebec came to visit us in Atlanta, GA.  My uncle brought with him his Canon Digital SLR.  I fell in love with it.  At the time, I had a Nikon point and shoot and was quite comfortable with the Nikon and its features, but when I saw the simplicity of the Canon I fell in love all over again, and literally with photography.  My aunt tried to sweet talk my uncle into leaving me his camera, but try as she may he was too attached to his toy and after playing with it, I couldn't blame him.  I wasn’t above having the means of acquiring my own, so I did some research and landed on a deal that afforded me two lenses along with the camera body.  

Now since I came to the US I have traveled all over, unfortunately, not always with a good camera in hand.  I have been to New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Connecticut, Washington DC, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, California, Nevada and of course Georgia. Having this new toy I wish that I could retrace my steps and capture some of the beauty of those cities.  It's not that I do not have shots of these cities, I do.  These shots however, are mostly with my family, friends, or co-workers, no intended sceneries or landscapes, although I do have the occasional animal.  

I have been told that photography is not based on the equipment but on composition, lighting, aperture, depth of field and shutter speed.  Equipped with this knowledge, one can secure very nice photos with a camera phone or regular digital camera, otherwise known as 'point and shoot'.

I would like to take the time to showcase some of these travels and cities as seen through my lens, my eyes, my emotion, my feel, my touch.  Please indulge me.  

First stop – Las Vegas

I traveled here in September 2009 for a work conference.  We were able to get out and about in the streets mostly at night.  These are a few random shots as the others show coworkers and parts of the conference.  This is just out and about photography, not always of the highest quality because of the instrument at hand, because remember my high resolution toy never came until 2012 and I was only now beginning to crawl up the hill of an undiscovered art.

These are all taken with my Nikon point and shoot.

We walked along the main drag because we wanted to see the dancing waters in front of the Bellagio, it was beautiful.  The cascading waters moved to the beat and timing of the music piped out along the queue via outdoor speakers.  Many folks were lined up against the railing for the water concert that ensued.  The city’s architecture is also notable, some buildings copied major historical cities of Europe, others had modern sharp edges or rounded curvatures.  The buildings are colorful in the day time and brightly lit at night, all this adding to the aura of the city.

Another thing is that I found myself in constant need of lotion.  This city is very dry, drying your face, skin and depleting your body.  You must consume water by the mug full, to stay hydrated.   

On a different note I had to also applaud this city for honesty.  I lost my IPhone on the shuttle that brought us from the airport to the hotel.  I called the shuttle company off of the receipt given and after 2 days without a phone, got my phone returned to me at the hotel. As you can well imagine I was an extremely happy camper.

The strip...

© 2013, Odette M. Lawrence and NorDean Canvas. All rights reserved. The use and/or duplication of this material without the express and written permission of this blog’s author and/or owner are unauthorized and strictly prohibited.